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Create an Outdoor Fun Zone with Audio and Video Entertainment


Spring Is the Perfect Time to Bring the Entertainment Outside 

With spring around the corner, longer days are just ahead. There is something about the longer days with Daylight Savings Time that turns your thoughts to the outdoors. We know this is Illinois, and we can still get a spring snowfall, but anyway you look at it, warmer, sunnier days are just ahead.  

Spring traditionally is a time to start planning home projects. After the winter, many Naperville homeowners turn their attention to backyards and landscapes. It’s time to get the pool ready, the outdoor furniture uncovered and cleaned up, and spruce up the landscape with annuals. While you’re attacking all those projects, consider a way to add another dimension to your outdoor spring and summer fun with an outdoor audio and video system. Explore some ideas below to create your own outdoor oasis that will have you spending more much-needed time al fresco. 


How to Protect Your Home with a Smarter Security System


Smart Home Technology Puts You in Control to Keep You Safer 

Does your home have an alarm system? Most do, and many houses are prewired with low voltage cable to install basic systems. The typical setup includes window and door sensors to detect opening when the alarm is set, a keypad for entering codes, a siren, and indoor motion sensors. You may have such a system or are familiar with them.  

The problem with these systems is that they are not very informative or easy to use. When an alarm is tripped, do you see a code? It might represent the window or door opened, but you might be confused as to which one it is. Likewise, changing codes or adding temporary ones for guests might involve a degree in programming. 

There’s a smarter approach to a home security system. Today’s smart technology solutions offer a far more intuitive experience and put you in the know about what's happening in your Chicago, IL home. Explore how below.  


Add the Wow Factor to Your Projects with Integrated Whole-Home Video


Sleek, Unified Video Systems Deliver Seamless Entertainment Throughout the Home

As homes become smarter and more sophisticated, homeowners look for more ways to make it easier to manage their homes. One area that has typically been a source of frustration for many is the management of audio and video entertainment. In the AV and smart home industry, one of the fundamental reasons homeowners bring us in is to integrate audio and video equipment to make it easy and intuitive to use. No one likes multiple remotes, interfaces, and methods of doing the same thing in their home.

As just about all audio and video entertainment has converged on digital formats, you might think things have become more straightforward. To some extent, they have, but the plethora of content options, equipment, and video and audio formats still presents considerable complexity. One way to decrease the complexity is to plan for integrating whole-home video and audio systems from the start in your new Chicago, IL residential projects. Not only will it add a wow factor to your builds, but your clients will appreciate the benefits outlined below.


Get Your Smart Home Up and Running Without a Hitch


How Our Deployment Room Optimizes Our Home Automation Projects

Are you looking for the best when it comes to your smart home installation? Then don’t settle for cluttered AV racks, delayed timelines, lengthy firmware updates, and glitchy systems that will ruin your smart home experience. Our brand-new deployment room allows us to deliver stellar service and faster, more reliable installations compared to our competitors for our clients from Chicago to Lake Geneva, WI. 

In the past, smart home installs have required techs spending lengthy time in the home. Leveraging the power of RACKFRAME panels, pre-wiring is neatly terminated, labeled, and color-coded so when your rack is ready to go, it’s a simple installation process. By then we’re the last people in the home and we know how desperate homeowners are to get things done. With us, there’s no dealing with techs coming in and out of your home to finish your project. 

Our deployment room lets us design your rack offsite so we can handle important firmware updates, programming, and testing in our office. If issues arise, we have all the tools at hand to solve them before we even drive over to your home. No more having to wait thirty days for bugs to work themselves out, instead your smart technology works within days, not weeks.

Want to learn how our process delivers a glitch-free smart home automation system from the get-go? Check out more details below on our brand-new deployment room and how it transforms the installation process.