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5 Tunes to Get the Groove on with Whole Home Audio


Music You Can Enjoy with Any Activity Around the House 

What should you listen to on your whole home audio system? Far be it for us to tell you, it will all sound fantastic whether you go with a Meridian audio system, Savant, or something else. Not only will all your favorite tunes sound great, but you’ll enjoy the effortless ease of calling them up with your smartphone, a touchscreen, a voice command, or a press on a wall-mounted keypad. 

That said, we can’t resist recommending a few tracks that lend themselves well to playing on every speaker in the house as you meander through your daily routine. Whether it’s a background soundtrack to your work-from-home day, doing chores, exercising, or soaking up the last of the good Illinois fall weather on your Chicago townhouse patio, you’ll enjoy how these songs stick with you wherever you roam.  

Ready? Here are five tunes to enjoy in every corner of your home with multiroom audio

  1174 Hits

Get Ready for the Holiday Season with Savant Home Automation


How Home Automation Lets You Worry Less and Enjoy More

With Halloween just behind us, we’re now barreling headlong into the holiday season in Hinsdale. With it, the Illinois fall is also in full swing, and winter – well, it does come early here! But you can be ready for the holidays with a little help from a Savant home automation system. Savant's smart home features can take care of little things, give you peace of mind, and make holiday entertaining just a little easier.

There's a lot to do for the holidays. Whether it's ordering gifts, getting the house decorated, keeping the holiday lights working, or ensuring all the meals and parties are affairs to remember. As always, you’ll be busy! Let a Savant home automation systems take a bit of the load. Here are four of our favorite ways you can enjoy the holidays more with home automation.

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3 Ways Whole Home Audio Can Improve Your Lifestyle


A smart home audio system opens new and exciting ways to enjoy music throughout your Chicago home and outdoor living spaces.

Whether you’re cleaning your kitchen, enjoying a glass of wine after a long day or entertaining your friends, music makes your home a livelier and more enjoyable place to be. Given all the ways audio can enhance both everyday activities and special occasions, why not make it as easy as possible to listen to your audio of choice anywhere in your home?

This is where whole home audio systems come into play. Using a network of speakers connected by sophisticated software, your music can follow you around your home with ease. There are additional benefits as well. Want to know more about whole home audio for your Chicago home? Keep reading.

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Step Up to High Resolution and High-Fidelity Whole-Home Audio


Level Up Your Sound with Meridian Audio

What do you think of when you hear whole-home audio? First, you probably think about synchronized sound all over your house. Any whole-house audio solution worth its tweeters should do that. Does it also scream to you…background music? As in, I enjoy listening to my favorites everywhere in the house, but I’m not getting my ears pinned back by the sound.

If you're an audiophile – or just someone who likes emotion in their sound – you don't have to settle for good but not blow-me-away sound in your whole-home music system. Meridian Audio is a company that's well-known in hi-fi circles yet also tends to march to the beat of its own drum. Started in 1977, before the dawn of the digital music era, Meridian Audio has been a pioneer in digital audio, having had a heavy hand in moving the quality of digital formats forward. In both the pioneering DVD-Audio surround music format and the current Dolby TrueHD lossless surround standard, Meridian played a leading role in contributing key technology and developing those standards.

All this is to say that Meridian is all about high-fidelity in everything they do, and with their latest products, they’re making whole-home hi-fi a reality, too. Keep reading to learn more about how Meridian high-resolution, high-fidelity audio will pin your ears back in every corner of your Chicago home.

  926 Hits