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Today’s Lighting Control Offers Enhanced Convenience and Well-Being


Let Your Smart Home Manage Your Light Effortlessly

Can you imagine our world before electric light, when candles, oil lamps, lanterns, and a fireplace provided the only illumination? The first electric light bulb didn’t come along until the late 1800’s. The first light switch was soon to follow and, in many homes, is still being used. 

According to Business Insider, light switches will one day become obsolete, replaced by smart lighting. For many homeowners in Lincoln Park, IL, that day is already here. 

Today’s lighting control systems offer incredible, easy-to-use technology that mimics the natural patterns of activity, enhances well-being and productivity, and deters burglars. Let’s explore how lighting has transformed our world and if it’s time to join the smart lighting revolution before the light switch goes the way of the dodo. 

SEE ALSO: Keep Your Vacation Home Safe & Comfy with Smart Lighting Control

Automated Lighting

By using sensors, lighting control systems reduce energy consumption while maintaining consistent illumination. When motorized shades open, bringing in the sun’s diffuse sunlight, the lights automatically dim. When everyone leaves a room, the lights turn off.

They also transform based on your daily activities and everyday routines. Do you usually open the shades in the morning and switch on certain lights? Now, your smart home automatically does it for you while maintaining the perfect levels of natural and electric light.

At Barrett’s Technology Solutions, we get to know your preferences and lifestyle, enabling us to create customized solutions that make a smart home intelligent. For instance, you may want the landscape and first-floor lights to turn on when you pull into the driveway at night. Using geofencing, we can make that happen. Or, you may prefer the entryway, kitchen, and living room lights illuminate, mirroring the color of the setting sun.    

Enhancing Your Family’s Well-Being

Lighting has a profound effect on humans’ psychological makeup. It acts as the primary cue, aligning your body’s internal time clock. Cooler light, ranging from pure white to a bluish tone, promotes productivity and vitality. Warm lighting enhances relaxation and typically ranges from warm white to orange-red.

A popular lighting control system is ‘Natural Light.’ This lighting mimics the color and intensity of the changing light outdoors. The soft golden glow of sunrise is replaced by the brighter, blue-toned hues of midday before changing into the amber tones of dusk. 

In response, your body’s sleep-wake cycle realigns. A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that participants in homes with more daylight experienced more vitality during the day and fell asleep faster at night.

Deterring Burglars 

One of the top recommendations by law enforcement to reduce home burglaries is presence simulation. Essentially, it creates the illusion that someone’s home. 

We’ll program an ‘Away’ button on an elegant keypad by the door. When pushed, the shades randomly raise and lower, and the lights turn on and off as if you were home. Anyone looking at your house with ill intentions will believe it’s occupied.  

Working with Barrett’s Technology Solutions

Are you ready to enjoy today’s automated lighting? It offers incredible benefits that we’ve only touched upon. To learn more about the latest lighting control or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Barrett’s Technology Solutions today. 



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